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Natural medicine for headaches


Pharmaceutical drugs don’t take away your headache, in fact, they suppress your pain. This means that the pain is still present, but not palpable. This pain is still in your system and will therefore keep coming back.

Before drugs from pharmaceutical companies came on the market, people have been working with natural medicines for centuries. Medicines that are prepared by hand and therefore with love.

Headaches are a pain that many have. This may be because you are in your head too much, menstrual pain or that your neurotransmitters are resetting. Also with the ascension process, people can suffer from headaches. The acension process is the process that your soul goes to a higher vibration and your body goes along with it, this can give unpleasant feelings.

This drug is purely based on natural ingredients and this combination cannot be found on the market. All ingredients are ground by hand and put into vegan tablets. Our secret ingredient, the intention of love. Love is the energy that has the highest frequency and therefore the most healing.

This drug consists of a mix of:

– Rosemary

– Rootbark Voacanga Ibogaine

– Scelette

Rosemary is good for the immune system and is anti-inflammatory

Rootbark Voacanga Ibogaine is good to ground you more and therefore get more out of your head

Sceletium, also called Kanna. Works enormously relieving, reduces stress and gives you energy

These 3 ingredients together form a very nice remedy for headaches, but also against stress.


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