
Who we are

Angel card - Tarot reading

If you have questions about your relationship, work or another area you want more clarity about? We offer readings!
We have been doing readings for many people for years and the great thing is, energy never lies. The cards actually always indicate a confirmation or a direction.
We use different decks of cards, from Angel cards to Tarot cards.

Full reading:

This reading can be done face to face or via zoom or WhatsApp.
The reading takes about an hour.
We ask for an energy exchange for a full reading 55 euros.

Short reading:

In addition, we also offer a short reading with a maximum of 3 questions. You can send us your questions through e-mail.
We ask for an exchange of 22 euros for this.

Photo reading:

Provide us with a question about one picture of a person or of yourself and we do a short reading. We ask an exchange of 11 euro for this.

Card reading workshop:

Once a month we give a card reading workshop. In this workshop you will learn to lay cards for others and for yourself. In addition, you will also receive a personal reading from us during this workshop. The workshop takes about 3 hours and here we ask for an energy exchange of 77 euros.
Drinks and lunch are included. We keep the groups small so that everyone gets enough attention, So up to 6 people can participate.

Full reading: € 55
Short reading, maximum 3 questions (with or without photo):  € 22
Photo reading, one photo: € 11
Laying cards workshop: € 77