
Who we are

About Tamara

Very grateful that I can walk this path further with Carmen. A very beautiful mirror for me, honest and without judgment. That is very refreshing in this world.

As a child I knew you choose your parents as a soul. You choose how you want to be mirrored back in this dimension. They represent a part of you. I can honestly say my path was not easy, but I also know that you get what you can handle, so that kept me strong and going on. My passion is helping people to understand their own inner world. Because the more people feel more love, the more beautiful the world become for them as well.

I love working with Ibogaine. I have learned to drink in South Africa and  work with it intensively for many years. Not only with ibogaine, but also with other plant medicins. They are all teachers.

Ibogaine is for me the tool to mirror me back in a very analytical way. Very technical. Every plant medicine is a tool and not a fix. They show you fragments what you need to know and you need to match them as a puzzle. 

You should see your inside as a computer. And that your DNA is a sim card with information on it. Sometimes this needs to be cleaned, like removing viruses. I am very grounded and I want to approach alternative healing as they labeled it, as very normal. 

My Energy, Carmens Energy, the Energy of the plant medicines and our products can help with that. Besides that we also offer fantastic retreats in South Africa near the Cradle of Humankind.

Everyone has a birth right to feel free, happy and abundant. But the truth is, only you can that, the outside can only activate a feeling in you.